Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Yup. It's that dangerous. Ice Blocking is so dangerous that men will hold onto each other in fear as they start to slide down a hill on blocks of ice.
So dangerous that men have to come up with new, scary ways of stacking the ice to make the slide a even more exhilarating.
Only the brave will attempt "human surfing." (Andy and Miles)These men even make goofy faces at the camerawoman to hide the fact that they are a little amazed at themselves at the danger they are facing head on.
The observing bystanders are concerned for the Ice Blockers' lives and they are worried. (Can't you tell by John's face?)

On our last trip to Butte, we joined our friends for some "Ice blocking." I'm amazed I made it til my 27th year of life before doing this! I had heard about it when I was a kid. But I remember an adult explaining to me what it was, and since they were an adult, they included all the reasons why ice blocking is so dangerous and shouldn't be done. Now I've experienced it and know that you do have the possibility of breaking your arm off, cutting a gash in your leg, or severely grass-staining your pants. But not if you are Andy or Miles! (Except they definitely inflicted grass stains on their wardrobe.)
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