Monday, January 7, 2008

"Here's Looking at You"

A funny thing John and I have noticed about this town is that a ton of people look directly at you if they want to take a look at you. Rather than do that sideways "I hope this guy doesn't notice that I'm looking at how strange he looks" glance, I've already encountered a few people who have stared straight at me. And when I meet their gaze they simply say "Hello," and go on their way. It seems like they can tell I'm new in town and looking for friends. Or maybe I have lettuce in my teeth.


miss mariss said...

Hey lisha love you and I'm so glad you commented me, This post is clever and cute. Ill talk to you later. Don't stop blogging and commenting.

miss mariss said...

hey you should put a picture on your profile so when you post a comment you will see it like mine
If you have ?'s call, e-mail or comment.

Steve and Jenn Dassatti said...

Ha! In LA people don't even look at you, their not much interested in other people.

Amber Joy said...

I kind of like the honesty in that, though. I always want to just stare at people, but feel bad if I do. Maybe I just didn't realize to add the 'hello' before walking away.

Ann said...

Alicia and John,

Hope you guys are doing well in your new town. We miss you already. I know I was excited about getting to know you both. I am sure it will not take long to make friends :)!

Cortney said...

Hi there. I am going to add you to my sidebar! Praying for you!

Christel louise said...

Hey girl, I would look at you too you are too beautiful not too. Watch out Butte.

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